No. | Species |
B&F |
2 | Argyresthia goedartella | 411 |
1 | Ypsolopha parenthesella | 460 |
1 | Scrobipalpa costella | 819 |
1 | Blastobasis lignea | 873 |
1 | Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix | 970 |
13 | Acleris
laterana/comariana | 1038x |
40 | Apotomis betuletana | 1093 |
1 | Epinotia nisella | 1138 |
3 | Mother of Pearl | 1405 |
3 | Red-green Carpet | 1760 |
13 | Common Marbled Carpet | 1764 |
2 | Grey Pine Carpet | 1768 |
1 | Brimstone Moth | 1906 |
5 | Lesser Swallow Prominent | 2006 |
1 | The Vapourer | 2026 |
6 | Large Yellow Underwing | 2107 |
1 | Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 2110 |
3 | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | 2111 |
8 | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 2126 |
10 |
Square-spot Rustic | 2134 |
1 | Copper Underwing agg. | 2297x |
1 | Mouse Moth | 2299 |
4 | Angle Shades | 2306 |
5 | Angle-striped Sallow | 2313 |
1 | Lesser Common/Common Rustic | 2343x |
2 | Straw Dot | 2474 |
2 | The Snout | 2477 |