No. |
Species | B&F |
4 |
Timothy Tortrix ** |
989 |
1 | Chrysoteuchia culmella | 1293 |
1 | Scoparia sp. (not identified) | 13xx |
1 | Bee Moth | 1428 |
1 | Blood-vein | 1682 |
1 |
Common Pug | 1834 |
2 |
Green Pug | 1860 |
4 |
Scorched Wing |
1904 |
2 | Brimstone
Moth | 1906 |
2 | Willow Beauty | 1937 |
1 | Light Emerald | 1961 |
1 | Lime Hawk-moth | 1979 |
2 | Elephant Hawk-moth | 1991 |
1 | White Ermine | 2060 |
1 | Buff Ermine | 2061 |
1 | Turnip Moth | 2087 |
10 |
Heart & Dart | 2089 |
2 |
Shuttle-shaped Dart | 2092 |
2 | The Flame | 2098 |
2 | Flame Shoulder | 2102 |
7 |
Ingrailed Clay | 2120 |
1 | Setaceous Hebrew Character | 2126 |
1 | Bright-line Brown-eye | 2160 |
3 |
Common Wainscot | 2199 |
1 |
Poplar Grey | 2278 |
2 | Marbled Minor agg. | 2337x |
1 | Middle-barred Minor | 2340 |
2 | The Uncertain | 2381 |