No. |
Species | B&F |
3 |
Common Swift | 17 |
1 |
Argyresthia curvella ** |
414 |
2 | Light Brown Apple Moth | 998 |
1 | Chinese Character | 1651 |
1 |
Silver-ground Carpet | 1727 |
1 | Broken-barred Carpet | 1773 |
1 |
Mottled Pug | 1819 |
2 |
White-spotted Pug | 1835 |
1 |
Dwarf Pug * | 1857 |
2 |
Pug sp. (not identified) |
18?? |
1 | Brown Silver-line * | 1902 |
6 |
Brimstone Moth | 1906 |
1 | Peppered Moth | 1931 |
1 | White-pinion Spotted | 1957 |
1 | Clouded Silver | 1958 |
1 |
Poplar Hawk-moth | 1981 |
1 | Pale Prominent | 2011 |
1 | Pale Tussock | 2028 |
2 | White Ermine | 2060 |
2 |
Buff Ermine | 2061 |
1 |
The Cinnabar | 2069 |
1 |
Heart & Dart | 2089 |
1 |
Shuttle-shaped Dart | 2092 |
1 | The Flame | 2098 |
3 |
Ingrailed Clay | 2120 |
1 |
Common Wainscot | 2199 |
1 |
Alder Moth | 2281 |
1 |
Rustic Shoulder-knot | 2334 |
1 |
The Spectacle | 2450 |